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What Is Neurodivergence Coaching?

ADHD coaching is an  collaborative partnership between a person with ADHD traits, and a professional coach who uses current ADHD knowledge, best practices, understanding, and ADHD-friendly skills and tools to facilitate positive personal and professional change for the client.

Clients with ADHD or ADHD traits can face unique challenges which can interfere with their quality of life. These challenges might include hyperactivity, impulsivity, and/or inattention, as well as the belief that they can't reach their goals because they have ADHD or executive functioning difficulties. Coaching can empower clients to learn about themselves and their unique brain processing so they can make choices and take actions to create the lives they choose to live.

The coaching process initiates and encourages taking ownership and self- responsibility. Coaching is individualized and action-focused, so the client is working to build productive habits and systems that lead to a fulfilling life.


🔹What the coach does:

  • Create a safe, non-judgmental environment

  • Listens with an appreciation and working experience of how ADHD impacts the client

  • Regard clients as resourceful and creative humans capable of discovering their own answers

  • Support clients in developing a comprehensive understanding of ADHD and how it impacts the client's quality of life

  • Assist clients face obstacles and address core ADHD related issues such as time management, organization, self-esteem

  • Work with clients to create structure, support, skills, strategies to help clients function more effectively and live satisfying lives

  • Assist clients stay focused on their goals by providing accountability


🔹ADHD Coaching also helps clients to:

  • Understand that the source of many of their challenges is ADHD, not personal shortcomings

  • Safely examine areas of failure and areas where they want to be held accountable

  • Heighten self-awareness and self-observation skills, and use those heightened skills to improve decision-making and performance

  • Change perspective when "stuck" (i.e. learning new ways to work with procrastination, perfectionism, staying on task, or being more consistent.)

  • Become aware of their own learning styles, processing styles and learning preferences so they can enhance their ability to learn and comprehend information and situations

  • Live more effective and satisfying lives by deepening learning, improving performance, and enhancing quality of life.

*Content taken from the ADDCA and PAAC websites 

 🔹Additional Reading

"What Is An ADHD Coach?" - ADDITUDE Magazine

"Managing A.D.H.D. Is Hard. These Coaches Want to Help." - New York Times


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